INSET Capacity Building Methodology
Recent EU policies, such as the Green Deal Industrial Plan, alongside measures at the local, regional, national, and European levels, underscore the need to provide businesses with technologies, knowledge, and resources to be highly competitive and sustainable. This is essential to tackle environmental challenges like decarbonization and waste production.
With the aim of constructing a comprehensive yet groundbreaking capacity development methodology, the primary outcomes will enable the creation of a Joint Curriculum addressing identified needs and gaps for the project’s target groups. This Joint Curriculum will educate those interested in applying Industrial Symbiosis to address current challenges like the energy crisis and resource scarcity, as well as prepare for future contexts.
INSET Resources and Training Modules
INSET training path aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to implement and leverage Industrial Symbiosis in their operations.
By understanding the interconnectedness of industries and the potential for mutually beneficial collaborations, participants will contribute to sustainable development goals, reduce ecological footprints, and stimulate economic growth.
INSET training path will be released in 2025, delivered through the INSET APP.
to be informed in time and don’t miss this upskilling opportunity
Conceived as the hub of IS information, the observatory is a live space. It will be constantly updated, thanks to the INSET results and activities.
In general, the information that we will upload will be legislation, training courses, reports, etc. Any relevant information that could increase awareness and knowledge about this circular tool that is Industrial Symbiosis.
This observatory will be open access, which will allow its exploitation and impact beyond the duration of the project and the target users and stakeholders reached during the thirty-six months of the INSET project.
Policy brief
How to support IS in the EU framework?
One of the most relevant problems is the lack of real public policy actions to promote IS.
Based on a set of priorities (inform, train, fund, connect and raise), the objective of the Policy Brief for IS is to present in a clear, concise, and accessible way the main implications (actions) for public policy to make IS happen.
To this end, the findings and conclusions obtained by national workshops, IS best practice collection, and further activities to explore the IS opportunities will be used, as well as any relevant information obtained from the INSET community.
This policy brief will be primarily targeted at the European level, but partners will analyse it to adapt it to their national contexts.